Hi, I’m Lucie—your biggest cheerleader and creative partner. I am a podcaster, content consultant and creativity consultant, but those labels don’t really help that much. Because actually what I really do is focus on possibility, create an endless list of ideas, see the future you want to create, and help you hold on to that tightly to that so you can take the action to get there. All with creativity at the centre. (and hopefully cookies ;))

 I believe life is a creative act and if we can give ourselves permission to embrace all the parts of ourselves and find the value in that we can build a life and or business that feels great for us. Growing up doesn’t mean losing play or wonder; in fact, they’re essential to how we live and work. I blend playful, creative thinking with the practical steps needed to get things done because the journey and the process both matter.

Here, you’ll find a mix of consistent action where it counts and a little creative messiness where it adds magic.  So whether you’re here to figure out the big questions of life with creativity, play and wonder, or you want some help crafting getting your creative work out into the world, or you’re looking to start or up level your podcast.  Know that I will always be your biggest cheerleader and creative companion. I am here to bring the ideas, help give you structure and guidance, asking the right questions and focused action to help get you where you want to go. All with a little bit of play and hopefully cookies ;). Because I firmly believe there is magic in the mess.

So let’s do this. 

Read the essay that inspired it all.

But enough about me.

What do you need? Let’s figure it out together

Say hi!


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