Ángels Putos Cromos

It has been a year where stickers have really mattered and what better way to celebrate your birthday than with your very own sticker challenge.

Move over Mundi, See you Later Sue - now it's Birthday time and the only Monoply Go thing we care about are Angels’ Putos Cromos

Over the next week you will need to complete three sticker collections to unlock your Secret Birthday Board which will deliver your present and also a few challenges - because what is a birthday without a little bit of play 😉 .

Daily Challenges

  • It has been a year of music but can you solve the names of these songs with emoji clues?

  • You need to decipher which memory from this year is covered up by the sand…

  • This year you got very into chess - but can you solve the anagram of these famous chess moves?

  • What moments from this year is this an AI depiction of?

  • Challenge Coming soon!