Embracing the mess

There is this wonderful moment when my house (flat) is newly cleaned and I feel for a moment like I am living in a paradise. I sort of inch around it cleaning up after myself trying to hold on to that newly cleaned feeling for as long as possible. 

What inevitably happens after a day or even a few hours is something spills or I drop something or do something and the cleanliness ebbs away. I am usually desperate for that moment not to come, but I know actually that after a while I don’t notice anymore and actually the house (flat) becomes that little bit cosier. 

Which got me thinking about life in general. And how we like the idea of things looking perfect, but actually the mess is life, it is living and when we are not so worried about how things look and instead focus on how things feel. That’s when the magic can start. 

I am hoping that today I can embrace the mess a little bit more. The mess of not knowing, of making ‘interesting’ decisions, in uncomfortable emotions, and breadcrumbs. And see it as all part of living. Rather than something wrong or out of place. Just the messiness that makes things interesting and allows me some room to play.

How about you? Ready to embrace the mess?


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