Embracing the messiness - Can we just give ourselves permission to be all of us?
Controversial opinion. But I’ve decide that I just don’t fit in the box. Being a bit of a mess is the only way.
I have spent so much of my life trying to fit into a box, to be understandable. Because, I was told (and believed) that I needed to make sense of the world in order to make money in it. And let’s face it, I need to eat. And currently, money is, kind of an essential life tool. So I have spent my entire career trying to fit into boxes and make sense to other people. To be instantly understandable. Not to confuse. To be a consistent trusted brand.
Soooo many hours have been spent where I was trying to figure out how to fit together being a communications consultant with my creative projects, my playful approach, and my love of philosophical questioning and silliness. Trying to find something that united them all so I didn’t have to drop one. Or segmenting them all out into different things pretending that I didn’t have a million projects in my mind and new avenues I wanted to explore.
This last year I have added a new identity to my list of labels. Mother. And with that the box of ‘me’ is bursting at the seams. I’m pretty sure I don’t fit it anymore. Actually I am pretty sure I never did. So, because I have less time now to segment and because quite frankly my value and who I am is not defined by the labels I have, but by my values, my approach and my perspective I am done with the box.
What does that mean? Well realistically not that much for you. But a whole lot for me.
Logistically it means Lucielincoln.com is now going to be the home for everything I do - Say goodbye to 6 websites, multiple social profiles and far to many email addresses to count, let alone monitor. 🙌
But perhaps on a more soulful level, it means I’m embracing the mess of being all of me. Because it is not how I earn my money, or the title I have that defines me, but the way I greet the world every day.
Which is consistently creative, playful and full of wonder and curiosity.
So, whether you’re here to figure out the big questions of life with creativity, play and wonder, or you want some help crafting getting your creative work out into the world, or you’re looking to start or up-level your podcast. Know that I will always be your biggest cheerleader and creative companion. I’m here to bring the ideas, help give you structure and guidance, asking the right questions and focused action to help get you where you want to go. All with a little bit of play and hopefully cookies. Because I firmly believe there is magic in the mess.
Are you ready to say goodbye to your box?
Let’s do this!