Wednesday Morning Adulting Truths

  1. Wednesday should feel good but often I am too tired to imagine 2 more days of working and I would quite like a nap

  2. Plants are hard to look after. However easy other people make it look this is a universal truth

  3. Change is always happening, always. Which means everything you decide to do or go for in your life is only a best guess. This is scary as shit, and wonderfully freeing

  4. There will always be things to do, that is a good thing. You don’t want to be done, not yet at least.

  5. We don’t know very much, barely anything actually. That’s ok. The fun is figuring it out

  6. Naps always make the day better

  7. You will never regret taking a dance break

  8. Bills are so much better paid the moment you receive them

  9. Your habits matter, as do the things you say to yourself

  10. Lists of 10 things are so much more satisfying than 9. Usually one of the things on the list is bogus, but we like numbers anyway so we allow it.

  11. Life would be better if we could commute to work on tricycles.


The case of Curiosity and The Cat


How do you look after yourself?