When you don’t feel creative… Three tips to light your creative fire.

I often hear the phrase ‘I’m not creative like you’ from people. And usually I think one of two things.

Firstly – you are. Everyone is creative and we need to remind ourselves of this

And then secondly – I am not that creative. Because usually in that moment I am quite tired and not sure what ideas I have and like most people feel slightly anxious about my capability especially when it comes to ‘creativity’. It is this mythical thing. We make it special and it is. But special doesn’t mean it is elitist. It is not for some people and not for others.  

If you have a creative spark it is for you. So if you are feeling a little like me at the end of year either losing your creative spark to the general tiredness that tends to come up around this time of year, or you’re thinking I am not creative here are a few thoughts on re-sparking that creative fire.

It’s winter after all and there is an energy crisis so lighting our own fires might not be such a bad route (NB: unfortunately creativity probably won’t heat your house :(  - Although imagine if it did!)

 3 ways to spark your creative fire

1.     Set yourself a creative project that you can repeat – try for a month to do the same action every week. This year I made postcards every Sunday for 3 months and it was a great way to get me being more playful and open up my creative mind. So, pick an idea of something you can do or try – maybe it’s going for a walk, maybe it’s drawing something, modelling something, cooking something, composing something, dancing to a certain song, coding something, building something. You get the idea. Find an idea that excites you and go for that.

2.     Enjoy the work of others – other people’s creativity is super inspiring. So, send yourself in on a mini discovery hunt. Search on the Internet, listen to discovery playlists, go to the library/bookshop and visit a section you wouldn’t usually go to. Go into a shop you usually wouldn’t or even a coffeeshop. Anything for fresh perspective and discovery of new things and hopefully some new peoples work

3.     Create a start to the day that helps you feel playful and creative – for me I realise burnout is a real thing and sleep is basically the best set up for my day after. But after that there are hundreds of small things you can sneak into your morning before you begin your day to spark that creative fire. And small daily actions build up a bonfire of creativity in no time. Want some ideas? – Try adding in daily journaling or morning pages, start the day with some sort of movement that makes you smile – maybe dancing, cartwheeling, balancing on one foot at a time. Read a poem every morning whilst you are making your coffee or tea. Stare at a painting, poster that you love for 1 min and just enjoy it.


These are all small things. But I am starting to realise that at least for me smaller is better. It’s do-able and in an overwhelming world with competing priorities do-able is magic.

So I guess I am asking? Do you feel creative? And if not what are you going to do to go and light that creative spark?

If you want some more creative ideas or play projects to get you started check out my book - Living a Creative Life - Everyday Play. Hopefully it will help you keep that creative fire burning bright. 🔥


Measuring Growth


Poco a Poco - A guide to going small and enjoying it