You are not the finished product

There is this idea that we should be shiny, and finished. Like we can hold up ourselves or our lives and say ‘ta dah’ look what I have created. 

Hopefully our mum puts it on the fridge or a teacher puts a gold star on it. Success, happiness. Probably cookies. 

But I want to remind you (and mostly me) that you are not a finished product, or a ta dah and you shouldn’t be. Why? Because finished is well finished and we have a lot more of this life to change and grow in. You have a lot more up to get. 

So when you look at other people or think and wish for the moment when you can put your work up on the fridge and congratulate yourself for ‘having made it’.  ‘being successful’, having your ‘ta dah’ moment. Just remember that the point is to not be finished, because you always want to have more to discover, do, find and create. 

It’s easy to look around a the shiny finished products of the world and think we should be exactly like that. So much so that people become influencers just to do that. 

But the point is of life is in the figuring out, the joy is in the doing, it is in the mess. And the reality of what you could achieve If you stopped trying to be the finished product and started trying to figure it out would be far far greater. 

So today let’s chose to be unfinished and whole anyway. To embrace the messiness of figuring it out and remind each other that success is not waiting to be shiny, but it is what you find as you work to get there. 

You are not the finished product and you are not supposed to be. So embrace the journey of getting there. That after all is all we have. 


The scratched knees of Adult-hood


Do I have to?