Join the Growth Chart Club – For people who want to grow up but also like blanket forts, cookies and naps.

Bi-Weekly inspiration on how to live well, creativity and play. An invitation into silliness and an antidote to the challenges of growing up with much-needed permissions slips.

I started a Bi-weekly Substack newsletter because let’s face it growing up isn’t that easy and I wanted to find a space to share my thoughts and explore what it means to be a grown-up today.

Every other week I sit down to share my thoughts on how we create change in the world, deal with constant changes and challenges, figure out what beliefs and behaviours are outdated and remember the wisdom we had when we were kids.

In short, define what growing up means for us.

The Growth Chart is a place to measure progress, share wins, and share ideas so we can all grow up into the adults we want to be.


