Episode 2: Oops, I Didn’t Do it Again

Welcome back to Episode Two of Reluctantly Marketing – the podcast tailored for Purpose-Driven Creators yearning for growth without the marketing overwhelm.

In this installment, Lucie explores a common dilemma that plagues many marketing journeys – the cycle of inaction. You might be a whiz at crafting marketing plans and conjuring creative ideas, but taking that first step often feels elusive. This episode is your guide to overcoming your own hurdles and jumpstarting your marketing journey.

In this episode, you'll uncover:

• Why embracing imperfect action is a game-changer compared to no action at all.

• Practical strategies to initiate action right now.

• The transformative power of the Kaizen method, making you 1% better every day.

• Plus, your actionable step for the week.

Lucie's source of inspiration this week comes from the enlightening Imperfect Action podcast. Discover more about it here.

Want to dive deeper into Reluctantly Marketing?

Stay tuned for the ongoing story on ⁠YouTube⁠, ⁠LinkedIn⁠, or ⁠TikTok⁠.

Eager to connect with Lucie or have questions? You can reach out and say hi at  ⁠www.lucielincoln.com⁠


Episode 3: How to Build an Audience from Scratch: We built this Audience on Caring and Sharing


Episode 1: It’s not you Marketing, it’s Me