10 Questions to ask that aren’t what do you do for a living?

Yep, I am officially stating that ‘what do you do for work’ is pretty much the most boring question you can ask someone (even if what they do for work is interesting). And i’ve decided we are definitely not boring grown ups, so let’s buck the trend. I flat out miss the days where the questions we asked were far more telling and far more inclusive a way to connect with people. Because chances our I don’t do the same job as you at all. And I have no clue what you are talking about. But your favourite colour? Which character from Recess you wanted to be? The song you would sing if forced to do Karaoke? There we have common ground.

So here we go people…

Five for fun

  1. What’s your favourite colour - ( A classic)

  2. What’s your favourite dinosaur

  3. What animal would you be if you were an animal

  4. What super power would you have

  5. What would your superhero self be called (bonus points for outfit)

Five to prompt an interesting conversation:

  1. Whats the last thing you read that you loved

  2. What was your favourite game when you were a kid

  3. You are trapped in a giant food - you have to eat your way out. What food would you pick? (yes to be clear this is very serious question)

  4. In a movie of your life who plays you, and what is the opening credits music

  5. And my favourite question ever - If music was going to die at midnight tomorrow and you get to choose three acts to perform at a special music festival beforehand who would you pick

Yes, 10 questions you might have already heard. But the real question is how often do you ask them? (Haha, I knew it! Probably about as often as I do). Let’s change that!

What’s the best question you have ever been asked?


A brief guide to coping with birthday’s over the age of 29


A quick to-do list for days when you recognise the futility of life. Or, what some people like to call Tuesday morning