A Grown-Up’s guide to success

Where do I start? Success is everywhere. We all want it to be a part of our life. And through lots of different phases we talk about success and what it means to us. We talk about the value of being an adult and defining what success means to you. 

Successfully growing up was something that drove me to explore more and more about what it meant to be a ‘Grown Up’ like a real one not just a pretend one. Success is without a doubt a central word it is a choice we make. Whether we want to look successful, be successful, or just feel successful it shapes our choices and ultimately our life. 

A few years ago, I decided looking successful didn’t make me happy and not matter what life looked like from the outside how it felt was far more important. And so, every day I have tried to make choices that made me feel better. Have I always been successful? No, of course not. Have I tried? Most of the time, yes. Feeling to me seemed to be a good guide. And when in conversations the idea of defining success on your own terms felt incredibly attractive to me. Because what if success was feeling happy and relaxed, was connecting with people I love, doing things I enjoyed. How great. 

Defining our own success is no doubt more grown up than letting the world define it for us. But we are still somehow, we are letting success be the guide. And I am curious why? Is success a natural imperative? What if instead of being successful at something or feeling successful we could just do things and be. That the journey, the experience was worth it all on its own. 

We get caught up in success and failure. In judging the outcome as if it changes the worth. The worth is in the work, the trying – how it looks to others, how you judge it, or even how you feel about it really doesn’t make that much of a difference. 

So here is my question – What of instead of defining our version of success, what if we just let go of success defining anything and take it off the table all together? 

Do you think that would work? Asking for a friend. x


Yes, and


The first goal is the habit