My Favourite Birthday Rituals

It’s nearly my birthday and with every year the preoccupation of living a good life grows. I have so far zero answers, but a few ideas. One of which is that celebrating that we are alive is one of the best parts of living. Sometimes these celebrations are small and it is just recognising the beauty of a random sunrise, or a particularly delicious meal. But other times it’s your actual frickin birthday month and therefore time to celebrate on the day that you came into the world the wonderful fact that you did.

So with this in mind here are a few of my favourite birthday rituals

  1. Write yourself a birthday letter - This is a practice of writing yourself something on your birthday to open on your next birthday. Do it every year and you will receive a card from yourself every year. I love this not only because I am always surprised at how I have changed and grown, but also by the nice things I say to myself when I am forced to write them down. This ritual is both perspective and warmth.

  2. Capture your birthday in someway - Whether you record sounds from the day, capture a mini video, draw a few moments from your day. Make sure you spend a little bit of time capturing the beauty. To look back on but also to help you pay attention in the moment.

  3. Do something Creative - I think adding in a creative act to your day some how is like a big thank you to the world for the fact that you were creative. This creative act can be anything - write, draw, sing, dance, paint, film - whatever it is play

  4. Watch the Sunrise - Nothing beats the sunrise on your birthday and watching the world wake up on the day you were born might be one of life’s greatest treats. And if you have somewhere to go to watch it even better.

  5. Have a Dance Party - It can just be you in your bedroom, but put on your favourite song and dance and sing like you are performing at your own Party.

  6. Do some of your normal routine but make it special - Breakfast is one of my favourite things, that and going for coffee so I always try and make my birthday one even more special, maybe doing the same exact thing but some how just thinking about it as my birthday coffee makes it that little bit special.

  7. Perform a Random Act of Kindness - Buy someone a coffee, do a food bank shop, send a love letter, let someone go first, hold the door open, pick up some litter. Whatever it is doing something nice for someone else always make life feel a little nicer and puts even more positive energy out into the world.

  8. Give yourself a hug - And mean it. You’re frickin awesome and I am so glad you are alive. Well done you :)


Why Play?


A brief guide to coping with birthday’s over the age of 29