Episode 27: Discomfort and finding your edge


This week is a masterclass in handling discomfort. Growning up can be hard and uncomfortable and just coming out of lockdown after COVID-19 we are painfully aware of how uncomfortable life can get sometimes. 

This week Lucie interviews Betsy Reed a speaker, author and leader on social and environmental issues. Betsy is also a Yoga and Mindfulness teacher and as they discuss in this episode somewhat of a 'professional discomforter'. 

The conversation covers personal discomfort, societal discomfort and how to keep growing and stay kind to yourself as you go through changes that life brings. 

Part one of this two part series is an introduction to where discomfort creeps in from lack of control to lack of knowing and how growing pains are a very real thing. They discuss the idea of finding your edge and what to do when you get there. 

This is professional grown upping, so pull up a seat in the blanket fort and let's get uncomfortable together! 


Episode 28: Sailing to the Edge; How discomfort helps you grow


Episode 26: Rebelliously responsible